UNAIDS sadarbībā ar Orange uzlabos ar HIV saistīto pakalpojumu kvalitāti
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Tās tiks izmantotas, lai uzlabotu ar HIV saistīto pakalpojumu kvalitāti, noturot pacientus medicīniskās palīdzības sniegšanas sistēmā un nodrošinot līdzestību ārstēšanai, kā arī atbalstot cīņu ar stigmu un diskrimināciju. Projekts paredz datu vākšanu un analīzi, trūkumu atklāšanu piedāvātajos pakalpojumos, kā arī pasākumu veikšanu, lai uzlabotu cilvēku, kuri dzīvo ar HIV, medicīniskās apkalpošanas kvalitāti. Visa projekta ietvaros savāktā informācija būs anonīma, dalībniekiem tiek garantēta pilnīga konfidencialitāte. UNAIDS un viņu partneri izmantos interneta platformu Orange Mobile Training EveryWere (Mobilā apmācība it visur) (M-Tew), kas paredzēta pilnai integrācijai ar veselības aprūpes sistēmām un plašai lietošanai. Platforma M-Tew ļaus sanitāri-medicīniskajiem darbiniekiem kontaktēties ar cilvēkiem, kas saņem medicīnisko palīdzību, ar teksta un balss ziņām, kā arī pa telefonu. Veselības aprūpes darbinieki varēs sūtīt īsziņas, veikt teksta vai balss aptaujas, lai novērtētu, kā pacienti uztver pakalpojumu kvalitāti, kā arī atbildēt uz jautājumiem virtuālajā zvanu centrā. Tehnoloģija ir vienkārša: ziņu sūtīšanai projekta dalībniekiem būs vajadzīgs tikai visparastākais mobilais telefons un 2G standarta sakari, pieeja Internetam un pielikumu lejuplādēšana nav vajadzīga.
Source: «UNAIDS to collaborate on new mobile technology platform to improve data collection and advance the response to HIV» | http://www.unaids.org/en/resources/presscentre/pressreleaseandstatementarchive/2016/march/20160308_mobile |
GENEVA, 8 March 2016UNAIDS and telecommunications operator Orange have signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on a new project to strengthen links between health-care providers and people living with and affected by HIV through the use of mobile technology.
Mobile technology will be used to improve HIV services to ensure patient retention in care and treatment adherence and to help break down stigma and discrimination. Data will be collected and analyzed, gaps in services identified and action taken to improve the quality of health care for people living with and affected by HIV. The information collected will be anonymous and full confidentiality will be maintained.
To achieve UNAIDS ambitious Fast-Track Targets by 2020, countries need to innovate, said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. This partnership with Orange will allow countries to benefit from state-of-the-art technology that is cost-effective and simple to use, to ensure they can provide the highest quality of services for people living with and affected by HIV.
UNAIDS and partners will use Orange Mobile Training EveryWhere (M-Tew), a web-based platform that has been designed to be fully integrated into health systems and implemented on a large scale. The M-Tew platform will enable health workers to communicate with people enrolled in care through text messages or by phone and voice messages. Health professionals will be able to send messages, conduct text or voice surveys to evaluate user perceptions on quality of services and answer questions through a virtual call centre.
The technology is simple to use and people enrolled in the project will only need a basic mobile phone and a 2G connection to send and receive messages, with no application to download and no Internet connection needed.
The partnership will advance efforts to Fast-Track the response to HIV towards ending the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030. To do this will require new innovations, front-loading investments over the next five years, reaching the UNAIDS 909090 treatment target, expanding access to HIV prevention services and ensuring zero discrimination.